I love it when research backs up what we already know. Playtime is priceless and is not just fun, it helps develop, and grow the brain. Playtime is not just a way for kids to get their energy and wiggles out, it an important social and developmental building block. Children develop critical thinking and problem skills when engaging in free playtime. It pains me to see there is a shift in ourĀ that society no longer values the importance of this part of child development. Schools are focused on scores, tests, and achievement and often recess takesĀ a sideline to them. Research now shows that that recess and academic achievement no longer have to be competitors but they are partners working in tantrum. Children must have this free time to build up these parts of their brain and practice these skills so that they can be more successful in the classroom. This article states that skills learned during recess led to better grades. I would like to see an education system that can find value in all aspects of the development of children.
Read more at http://www.sunnyskyz.com/positive-good-news.php?newsid=801%2FScientists-#cxKtQGArseEAFbeA.99